How is your child developing?
Birth to 3 Months:
Startles at loud sounds
Seems to recognize your voice and is soothed when hears your voice
Makes cooing sounds
Cries change for different needs
Smiles at people
Quiets or smiles when you talk
Lifts head 45 degrees while in prone (lying on tummy)
Opens and closes hands
Follows a toy with eyes from side to side
Brings hands together toward middle of body
Attempts to reach for toy
Grasps a small toy placed in hand
Breastfeeds or drinks from a bottle without choking, coughing or gagging
4 to 6 months:
Responds to changes in your tone of voice.
Notices toys that make sounds.
Pays attention to music.
Coos and babbles when playing alone or with you.
Makes speech-like babbling sounds, like pa, ba, and mi.
Giggles and laughs.
Makes sounds when happy or upset.
Moves her eyes in the direction of sounds.
Hits at dangling toys with hands
Lifts head to 90 degrees while in prone (lying on tummy)
Raises entire chest when on stomach and bears weight on hands
Rolls back to belly (both to right and left sides)
Begins to sit using hands for support
Transfers toys from hand to hand
Reaches with increased control for a toy
Shakes and bangs toys
Eats small amounts of pureed baby food
7 months to 1 year:
Looks when you point.
Turns when you call her name.
Understands words for common items and people—words like cup, truck, juice, and daddy.
Starts to respond to simple words and phrases, like “No,” “Come here,” and “Want more?”
Plays games with you, like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.
Listens to songs and stories for a short time.
Babbles long strings of sounds, like mimi upup babababa.
Uses sounds and gestures to get and keep attention.
Points to objects and shows them to others.
Uses gestures like waving bye, reaching for “up,” and shaking his head no.
Imitates different speech sounds.
Says 1 or 2 words, like hi, dog, dada, mama, or uh-oh. This will happen around his first birthday, but sounds may not be clear.
Turns and looks in the direction of sounds.
Turns and looks in the direction of sounds.Sustained sitting without using their arms for support
Crawls on hands and knees with stomach off the floor (9 months)
Feeds self finger foods (8 months+)
Moves into sitting position independently
Eats mashed table food
Sits well to play
Imitates simple play such as “peek a boo”
Pulls self up to stand using furniture
Eats a variety of soft, chopped table food
Drinks from a sippy cup independently
Stacks 2 blocks
Walks well with infrequent falls
Squats to pick up an object and stands up again without falling
One to Two Years:
Follows 1-part directions, like "Roll the ball" or "Kiss the baby."
Responds to simple questions, like “Who’s that?” or “Where’s your shoe?”
Listens to simple stories, songs, and rhymes.
Points to pictures in a book when you name them.
Uses a lot of new words.
Uses p, b, m, h, and w in words.
Starts to name pictures in books.
Asks questions, like “What's that?”, “Who’s that?”, and “Where’s kitty?”
Puts 2 words together, like "more apple," "no bed," and "mommy book."
Puts 2 words together, like "more apple," "no bed," and "mommy book."
Pulls off socks and shoes
Cooperates with dressing (helps to pull off clothing; extends arms and legs to assist with dressing)
Scribbles on paper
Stands alone
Walking (1-2 steps alone)
Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up small objects
Throws/kicks balls
Eats a variety of solid foods
Snips with scissors
Imitates horizontal, vertical lines and circular marks
Removes elastic waist pants Builds at least a 6 block tower
Pushes, pulls or carries toys while walking (18 months)
Two Years to Three Years:
Understands new words quickly.
Has a word for almost everything.
Talks about things that are not in the room.
Uses k, g, f, t, d, and n in words.
Uses words like in, on, and under.
Uses two- or three- words to talk about and ask for things.
People who know your child can understand him.
Asks “Why?”
Understands opposites, like go–stop, big–little, and up–down.
Follows 2-part directions, like "Get the spoon and put it on the table."
Understands opposites, like go–stop, big–little, and up–down.
Snips with scissors
Imitates horizontal, vertical lines and circular marks
Removes elastic waist pants
Builds at least a 6 block tower
Pedals a tricycle
Catches a large ball thrown gently from very close
Runs well without falling (2.5 years)
Drinks from an open cup
Three to Four Years :
Understands words for some colors, like red, blue, and green.
Understands words for some shapes, like circle and square.
Understands words for family, like brother, grandmother, and aunt.
Answers simple who, what, and where questions.
Says rhyming words, like hat–cat.
Uses pronouns, like I, you, me, we, and they.
Uses some plural words, like toys, birds, and buses.
Most people understand what your child says.
Asks when and how questions.
Puts 4 words together. May make some mistakes, like “I goed to school.”
Talks about what happened during the day. Uses about 4 sentences at a time.
Responds when you call from another room.
Responds when you call from another room.
Cuts straight lines
Copies vertical, horizontal lines and circles
Buttons large buttons
Throws tennis ball 5-7 feet overhand with one hand
Catches large ball thrown from 5 feet away
Static tripod grasp (held with thumb, index and middle fingers while hand moves as a unit)
Four to Five Years :
Understands words for time, like yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Follows longer directions, like “Put your pajamas on, brush your teeth, and then pick out a book.”
Follows classroom directions, like “Draw a circle on your paper around something you eat.”
Hears and understands most of what she hears at home and in school.
Says all speech sounds in words. May make mistakes on sounds that are harder to say, like l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, and th.
Responds to “What did you say?”
Talks without repeating sounds or words most of the time.
Names letters and numbers.
Uses sentences that have more than 1 action word, like jump, play, and get. May make some mistakes, like “Zach gots 2 video games, but I got one.”
Tells a short story.
Keeps a conversation going.
Talks in different ways, depending on the listener and place. Your child may use short sentences with younger children. He may talk louder outside than inside.
Understands words for order, like first, next, and last.
Cuts out a circle
Zips jacket
Copies intersecting lines, diagonal lines, simple shapes, some letters and numbers
Balances on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
Prints name from memory
Colors within the lines
Draws a person with at least 6 or more different parts
Cuts out a square
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Information from American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA)