Occupational Therapy in Charleston, South Carolina
Spoken Word Children’s Therapy’s Occupational Therapy team will work with you and your child to increase independence through the development of fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and sensory motor skills needed for optimal function and key socialization at home, in school, or on the playground.
Occupational Therapists will focus on the following areas:
Improve children’s fine motor skills to help grasp and release toys, and develop pre-writing skills.
Evaluate and treat to improve basic self-care tasks such as dressing, bathing, brushing teeth, and feeding themselves.
Address visual-motor and hand-eye coordination to improve your child’s play and school-readiness skills such as: building towers, hitting a target, batting a ball, and copying shapes or letters from a whiteboard.
Educate children and parents on behavior management skills such as healthy coping and self-soothing strategies to positively address feelings of anger, sadness, confusion, and disappointment. For example, a child may be taught to take a break in a preferred location instead of throwing a tantrum when overwhelmed.
Evaluate the need for specialized equipment or home modifications such as: wheelchairs, splints, bathing equipment, dressing devices, or communication aids.
Improve social and attention skills for development and strengthening of relationships.
Integrate retained reflexes for improved adaptive responses to stimuli and improved motor planning.
In most cases, BabyNet, Medicaid and/or private insurance may cover occupational therapy services. You can visit www.aota.org for more information about pediatric occupational therapy services or contact us.
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