Spoken Word Children’s Therapy accepts speech therapy and occupational therapy referrals from:
Pediatricians, Early Interventionists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Babynet, and other related health departments.
New referrals will require the following:
Prescription or referral from your child’s primary physician. *You can provide this, or we can request a referral from your child’s pediatrician on your behalf.
Copy of your primary insurance card and or your child’s Medicaid card. If your child is covered under your insurance and has Medicaid, please have both cards. Medicaid requires us to bill the primary insurance first before they will pay for services.
We will forward you copies of our new patient forms for completion or download directly from our website.
Note: After we receive all necessary information and documentation, we will assign a therapist to evaluate your child’s speech and language or occupational therapy needs. If your child requires therapy, one of our therapist(s) will make an appointment to come to your home or child’s daycare. Appointments do not typically last longer than one hour. We look forward to serving your family.
New Patient Forms
An Appointment